All customers buying medicines from our portal are encouraged to read the FAQ once. This will give them an idea about some of the policies related to dealing with portal. This can also avoid confusion and harassment for both the customer and us later. 

You can go through the following points-


Johnson Pharmacy is the trading names of our business. When we say ‘we’ or ‘us’ we mean these names. Johnson Pharmacy is a leading online store to buy erectile dysfunction pills like sildenafil citrate, tadalafil tablets, vardenafil pills, life saving drugs etc. We source and supply genuine products from approved manufacturers only under committed contract. 

By Whatsapp or Phone on +1 252 715 7195 or email at support@johnsonpharma.com

At Johnson Pharmacy we know that your personal data is important to you. That’s why, whenever we process it, we only use what we need to, and we do everything we can to ensure it is appropriately protected.

This notice explains the situations where we may process your personal data and the steps we take to protect it. If you are a locum pharmacist, this privacy notice does not cover Johnson’s use of personal data for this activity. You can find further information about this in our privacy policy. For all other personal data, Johnson’s use of this can be broadly summarised as follows:

  • Most of the personal data we collect is provided directly by you and is necessary to deliver the service you have requested. We only ask for the information that we absolutely need.
  • We do collect some personal data automatically – such as IP addresses, pages viewed on our website and links you’ve clicked on. This is predominantly through the placement of cookies which are explained in detail later.
  • We may acquire some personal data from commercially available data sources (e.g. the electoral roll) to keep your data accurate and help us better understand your needs.
  • If you have given us appropriate permission to do so, we may send you information about products and services we offer. We will never sell your details to third parties for their own marketing purposes.
  • To help you get the most out of our marketing, we may sometimes tailor it to you using your personal data. We will do this by building a profile about you, for example, to understand what services you currently use, or may have a future need for. You can object to this (explained later) and receive non-personalised marketing instead.
  • We may share your information within our wider group of companies (explained later) where there is a legal need, or justified business need, to do so.
  • We use selected third parties to provide some of our services (e.g. courier companies to deliver online orders) and will share the minimum personal data necessary with them to do so.
  • Like most organisations, we use third parties to support the running of our business (e.g. using an application) and, in certain circumstances, these third parties may have access to your data. Where this is the case, we have appropriate protective measures in place to ensure your information is appropriately protected.
  • With the exception of tailored marketing (as mentioned above) we do not make any automated decisions – i.e. a decision which does not involve a human providing an opinion – about you in delivering our products or services.

Johnson Pharmacy keeps its privacy policy under regular review and we may make changes to this notice at any time. Depending on the associated processing risks, we will either contact you with the modified terms, or we will post a copy of these on our website. Any changes will take effect 7 days after the date of our email, or the date on which we post the modified terms on our website, whichever is sooner. Please ensure you regularly check our website for any updated use of your personal data, alongside contact information in the event you have any further queries.

Under data protection law, you have the following rights:

  • Right of Access (typically called a “Subject Access Request” or “SAR”): you have the right to know how we process your personal data (as explained in this notice) and also a right to receive a free copy of your personal data.
  • Right to Rectification: you can ask us to change or complete any inaccurate or incomplete personal data held about you.
  • Right to Object: you have the right to object, in certain circumstances, to us processing your personal data. For example, you can object to us sending you marketing material.
  • Right to Erasure: in certain circumstances, you can ask us to delete your personal data. For example, where it is no longer necessary for us to use it, you have withdrawn consent, or where we have no lawful basis to keep it.
  • Right to Restrict Processing: you can ask us to restrict the personal data we use about you where you have asked for it to be erased (and the erasure has not taken place or we were unable to erase the data when we should have) or where you have objected to our use of it.

What we collect and how we use it depends on how you interact with us and the specific services you’ve requested. This is outlined below.

    • To fulfil your prescription – we capture your name, address, contact details and the medication required (this includes the name of the medication and the dosage instructions) as detailed on the prescription. Capturing this information is necessary to provide the service to you. Additionally we would also capture the prescriber’s details.
    • We process your payment card details to provide the services you have requested. We do not store these details. For any repeat orders of products made by you online via our website or if you opt to have your details stored for future payments, our third party processing agency securely holds your payment card details.
    • If you interact with us online (for example, when you use our website, digital services, or post comments on our social media pages) it is likely we will indirectly collect information about you and how you interact with us.
    • If you have an account with us online, we may collect your IP addresses as part of the log in process. This is a security feature to protect your account.
    • If you use our portal on your mobile, there is an option to enable location based-services. If you give your consent for this, we will collect your location data and/or motion data to understand more about the patients we serve.
    • If you sign-up on our website, we will send you Email messages as part of our prescription collection service. We may also use your mobile phone number for carefully considered and specific purposes that are in our legitimate interests, or the wider public interest. Whenever we use your personal data for any of reasons, we always conduct an assessment to ensure that our method of communication is not invasive, or that there are no overriding reasons for us not to use this information. If the assessment is ultimately inconclusive in terms of these key questions. Where we do contact you for the purposes described above, we always ensure you have the right to opt out in the first and all other subsequent communications sent.
  • If you purchase a product from our website, we may send requests for a review, which are usually via email. This helps us to gather data to improve our in-pharmacy experience. We will only ever send you one communication about this and we do not deem this marketing material.
  • If you are a customer of a pharmacy business that has been taken over by us, we will receive your personal data as part of the handover process.
  • If we sell part of our business then we may need to share your personal data with the new owner as part of this transaction.
  • If you call us, we may record or monitor the call. We do this for employee internal training purpose to ensure and improve quality of service delivery and to resolve queries or issues. 
  • As part of our home delivery service, We use your address to improve the efficiency of our delivery service, for example, how many times a day/week we deliver to the same street, how many drivers we use, or the efficiency of the route. This type of analysis is important in enabling us to operate efficiently and improve the service we provide to you, so we carry it out in a way that we believe has no impact on your privacy.
  • If you have signed up to receive our sales & discount offers our products and services, we will use your data to send this information to you via the channels you’ve given us data for. If you have expressed areas of specific interest, then we’ll use that to tailor the information you receive.
  • If you wish to purchase a prescribed drug from our website, we will ask you to submit or upload your Doctor’s prescription We only use your personal data for this very specific purpose and ensure there are security measures in place to protect your information.

In the previous section we described particular instances where we share your personal data with others. There are also other third parties that we use to deliver services to you. In this section, we have summarised the categories of third parties who we may share your data with.

  • Postal services and couriers – for typical business purposes, to deliver products by post,
  • Third party content processors – for example, to deliver our health advice and information about our products and services to you (e.g. an email delivery service), or to collect reviews from our patients.
  • Dispensing appliance contractors – where your prescription is for a medical appliance, we will pass your prescription, and the personal data on it, to our third party appliances contractor to process.
  • Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) – where we are required to do so by law, we will release personal data to government authorities. This will most likely be for the detection or prevention of crime, or to exercise or defend a legal claim.
  • Regulators – it may be necessary to share personal data at the request of applicable regulators. Where possible, Johnson will ensure that only the minimal amount of relevant information is disclosed and that data is securely deleted once no longer required.

Special category data is personal data that might be more sensitive to you. This includes things like health information, ethnicity, religious beliefs, and sexual orientation. Johnson needs to use special category data to provide things like prescriptions and services in pharmacies, which we wouldn’t be able to do without using this data. Wherever this data is used, there are additional legal safeguards we must adhere to, which include:

  • Establishing a legal basis to use this information, as well as an additional condition for our use.
  • Depending on the condition selected to use this data, we may also be required to establish a further condition for use.
  • Adhering to a specific ‘appropriate policy document’, which governs our compliance.
  • Completing a data protection impact assessment to measure any risks to you, the data subject, as a result of the use of your data.

In order to deliver our services to you, it is necessary to contact you using the contact mechanisms you have given us. This may be by issuing an email to confirm your order, sending an SMS message to confirm a delivery slot, calling you to discuss an issue with your order or for other similar reasons. These communications are necessary, and we will use whichever communication method we can to ensure we provide you with the information you need. You can inform us of particular communication preferences (e.g. email rather than phone call) and we will endeavour to follow your preferred mechanism. However, we reserve the right to use any contact information we have to deliver necessary information to you.

Johnson will never knowingly process personal data related to children for any other purposes than the following:

  • To provide a prescription or service, with the knowledge of a parent or guardian.
  • In the course of servicing an information right exercised by the child directly, or with the appropriate consent for a parent or guardian to carry this out on their behalf.
  • Where welfare or safeguarding concerns are raised about a child or children. This may involve Johnson liaising with local authorities to ensure the protection of those involved. Wherever this occurs, Johnson will always consider whether consent is appropriate and, if it is not, another legal basis will be established.
  • Our website collects cookies, which may inadvertently relate to children who visit our website. However, the resulting cookie activity (e.g. to improve the functionality of our website) does not cause a sufficient level of harm to impact children.

Johnson also carries out ID verification on our website to protect against children purchasing goods that could be unsafe or are specifically for adults. We will continue to robustly review processes to ensure the safeguarding of children.

Given Johnson’s core function is healthcare, there may be occasions where it becomes necessary to safeguard individuals, either from others or themselves. We always take any decision around sharing data of this nature with other authorities or bodies incredibly seriously, and we ensure that our internal policies also reflect this. Data protection laws are still applicable and, in serious cases, the sharing of personal data will likely be done using one or more of the following legal bases:

    • Vital interests (to protect those of the data subject/s).
    • Reasons of substantial public interest, which may include:
      • Preventing or detecting unlawful acts.
      • Protecting the public.
      • Safeguarding of children and individuals at risk.
      • Safeguarding of economic well-being of certain individuals.

Well always weighs up the necessity of sharing any personal data for purposes above and beyond that which the data subject is already aware of and considers whether consent is an available option. 

We may need to transfer your information outside your home country to service providers, agents, and subcontractors in countries where data protection laws may not provide the same level of protection as those in your country. Where this happens, we agree specific safeguards and assurances in our contracts with those providers to ensure there are appropriate controls in place to protect your data. Where necessary, we also ensure we have conducted a full Transfer Risk Assessment alongside any necessary contractual obligations. 

We will retain your personal information for as long as we are legally or contractually required to do so, or for a period which is justifiable to meet our business needs. The exact retention period varies depending on the type of information and purpose for use. 

If you have given your consent, we will contact you about the products and services we offer. Our expert pharmacists also produce advice, tips and useful information to help keep you healthy, which we may send to you if you have requested it.

We will send these communications to you by email. Every marketing communication we send will include instructions on how to opt-out. At any time, you can change your marketing preferences by emailing us. 

The marketing we send to you may be tailored to make it more relevant. This is done by analysing the data we hold on you (e.g. services previously used, age, address, previously stated health and wellbeing interests) to create a profile. 

If you have consented to marketing, you may also receive adverts from us online and on social media. We send data to companies such as Facebook and Google to do this. This means we send the data in a way that only the intended end user (e.g. Facebook, Google) can understand. We may also use your data to build profiles and/or custom audiences. When we do this, we anonymise your data. This means we send your data to platforms (e.g. Facebook, Google) in a way that means you cannot be identified by it.

We only work with companies who take privacy as seriously as we do.

If you visit our website via an affiliate link, we will send some information about you to the affiliate network. The nature of the personal data processed is non-sensitive and largely technical. Our network partner uses cookies and other mechanisms to collect analytical information to help analyse the actions people take on affiliate websites and ours. They process this information to improve their understanding and to compile statistical reports regarding that activity. This information is not used by the network to develop a personal profile of you.

You can make a complaint about how we have used your personal information to us by contacting our Data Protection Officer at info@johnsonpharma.com

  • We prioritize the privacy and anonymity of our customers.
  • You can pay us online using a host of online payment options without worrying about the security features.
  • We have a 256-bit SSL approved webpage that provides enhanced security and faster online payment processing.
  • None of your details including sensitive information such as debit card numbers or your name, email id, or phone number are recorded in our server registries.
  • We only use them on a one-time basis when you are buying medicines on our portal.
  • One of the things that customers worry about is the quality of medicines when ordering them online.
  • At Johnson Pharma this is the last thing that you need to worry about.
  • We are only engaged in the selling of verified and tested drugs that have been approved by the FDA.
  • We provide a 100% guarantee of all the medicines that are sold on our portal.
  • For ensuring further safety regarding the standard and quality of medicines we have a team of doctors and medical experts such as MDs who keep doing random sample checks on different medicines that are available in our stock.
  • Johnson pharma give you cent percent assurance on the medicines purchased from its portal.
  • Our quality of medicines is the best and cannot be questioned upon.
  • We source the pills of all medicinal categories from the manufacturer and registered suppliers only.
  • We also have a team of medical experts who will constantly evaluate the quality of drugs, medicine testing, and ensuring the right temperature and conditions for each of our products.
  • With Johnson pharmacy, customers get the advantage of hassle-free buying.
  • You can get all pills from us of different categories.
  • Place your order and enjoy your life hassle-free as we will deliver the medicine package right at your doorstep.
  • We ensure that during transit the medicines are properly stored in packs or containers so that they don’t get spoiled in any way.
  • We also try and provide you the package within the shortest time frame.
  • At Johnson pharmacy we believe that customers are our most valuable assets.
  • We are concentrated on making profits but at the end of the day, we also love to see your smile.
  • We have a foolproof method of providing a faster and efficient customer service process.
  • You can contact us directly on our customer helpline number if you have a query or email us.
  • Even if you have any complaints we try and resolve them in the fastest time possible.
  • We believe that customer servicing is an integral part of our business that helps us to make a recognized brand in this industry.
  • At Johnson pharma you get a one-stop solution for all the generic medicines.
  • We provide generic medicines at the best rates.
  • Moreover, you can shop out using a category wise on all the major diseases and find the right generic medicine for your treatment.
  • But we recommend you consult the doctor first before buying any generic medicines from our portal.
  • We have one of the widest arrays of medicines that you can buy from our portal.
  • For the ease of the customers, we have made various categories of disorders for which you can get all the well-recognized brands.
  • Our range of medicines includes all types of drugs such as prescription drugs, generic drugs.
  • We have covered a range of disorders and have a large number of medicines for each category that are manufactured by different pharma companies.

This includes-

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Asthma
  • Hepatitis C
  • Herpes
  • Diabetes
  • Blood pressure problems
  • HIV
  • Acne
  • Migraine
  • Cancer
  • Infertility
  • Alzheimer’s syndrome
  • We source our medicines directly from the manufacturers.
  • On some rare occasions, we also have to source them from the vendors and wholesalers but all of them are registered licensed dealers.
  • Our medicines are always of the highest quality as we ensure to buy them from the medicine manufacturing companies themselves.
  • We assure the quality of the medicines bought from our portal.
  • We ensure that you always get the best products at the best prices.
  • We ensure to give home delivery right at your doorstep for the bought medicines.
  • Our customers are always ensured of the best quality of medicines bought from our portal.
  • This assurance is delivered as we source all our medicines directly from the pharma companies themselves or sometimes their registered and authentic dealers and wholesalers.
  • We ensure to conduct periodic checks and audits on our existing stock of medicines.
  • This includes conducting the usability of the medicine, standard, and safety of taking in the medicine after assuring its quality.
  • We focus mostly on the composition of the medicine to ensure that they remain the same despite staying in our logistical units for many days, weeks, or months.
  • The other most important thing that we focus on is the expiry dates of the medicines.
  • All these are check by a certified group of experts that includes doctors, and quality specialists that conduct the repeated checks and audits.
  • The cost of the medicines is the same as they are mentioned on our website. 
  • The offers and discounts that we give are based on the volume of orders you placed, number of times you purchased from our portal.
  • As we are a well-trusted global online portal for the sale and delivery of medicines you need to check out the cost of medicines and delivery charges.
  • These might vary from one country to another based on the prevailing prices in your region.
  • But we offer the same prices for a specific medicine to all countries and regions that are served by us.
  • Based on the type of medicine you are buying and your order volume you are going to get offers and discounts for next order.
  • Offer & discount are at sole discretion of the Johnson Pharmacy and we may discontinue it at any time without any notice.
  • Once you finalize the order that is before the payment page or process the system will show you the summary of products selected along with price and shipping cost if any.
  • Now, after this, you are supposed to process the order and make the payment online. Once your order is successfully placed you will receive a final acknowledgment from our end with the final order value.
  • If under any circumstances we are unable to place your order or place a partial order due to stock being sold out of our inventory then the same will be mentioned in the final acknowledgment bill from our end.
  • Once your order is placed after the payment process is complete you can track the order on our portal. Now, we will again send you an email confirmation when we are about to ship your product.
  • This can generally take around 24 to 48 hours after you place the final order on our portal and after the payment has been done.
  • We will send you a shipment bill or invoice stating the invoice number, shipping details, and how you can track the shipment while in transit.
  • If in any case, you have problems in understanding you can call on our helpline number to check and confirm the same.
  • We generally ship your package right at your home or your office address. Meanwhile, once your order has been shipped please do not change the shipping address as this may result in undelivered packages.
  • Johnson Pharma supplies its products in more than 50 countries. Thus if you have ordered as a foreign citizen then you got to have further time in your hand. Because your package when it reaches the airport or the port is likely to go through a customs check and this may result in additional delays.
  • We cannot be held liable for the delay that has been caused in the customs department as such delays are beyond our control. Usually, once the customs check is complete your package will be shipped to the local courier office from where the local dispatch procedure begins.
  • Remember that the customs check can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks so keep in hand additional time for this.
  • Generally, for local and within the territorial zones, our packages are delivered within a few days. But there can be delays due to some unforeseen circumstances such as delays in customs, or natural disasters or political disruptions, and turmoil or lockdown in the state.
  • we generally don’t take more than 15 to 20 working days to post the placement of the final order on our portal.
  • But do keep in mind that there is going to be a customs check which can cause delay. It is the duty of the customer to track their package and shipments and call us for further reference if their package is still not delivered generally after 15 to 20 days.
  • We don’t generally face such scenarios but we cannot predict what’s going to happen tomorrow. We will generally reship all the orders or refund our customers in case the package is lost at our end during the transit period.
  • We bear the entire loss for the customer barring the taxes and customs duty. But in cases where the customers have not received their packages even after 21 days at maximum for all local and international orders the customer needs to get in touch with our helpline number.
  • In general, we will reship the product to the customer or ship the delivery once again for free this time. But such requests have to be made to our helpline and customer care executive within a maximum of 8 weeks post the final order placement.
  • We don’t refund or reship your package if you come to us informing us that you have not received your package after 8 weeks.
  • In any circumstance, if the shipped order received by the customer is found to have a broken seal or tampered seal then it has to be reported by the customer within 7 days of receiving the shipment.
  • If you place a refund order or return order within 7 days we will arrange for a reshipment and pickup of the damaged product after verifying everything.
  • No return and refund orders are entertained after 7 days of receiving the order.
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